Norwegian Coastal Administration

P.O. Box 1502, Ålesund, 6025, Norway
Ålesund, Moere 6025 Norway

Company Info

The Norwegian Coastal Administration is a governmental organization responsible for the administration of coastal areas, maritime safety, and emergency planning in the event of severe pollution. The Norwegian Coastal Administration is committed to ensuring that maritime transportation is both reliable and risk-free. This is accomplished through meeting the demands of the shipping sector for accessible and productive port facilities.

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Opening Hours

Mon 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM
Tue 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM
Wed 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM
Thu 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM
Fri 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM
Sat Closed
Sun Closed


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